Articles - Special Issue - Développement Durable & territoires

Articles - Special Issue on Nature-based Solutions in Développement Durable & Territoires

A special issue of the journal "Développement Durable & Territoires" dedicated to nature-based solutions and water-related risk management policies has just been published. it was coordinated by several members of the research consortium.

Following the organization of a session at the 5th ICPP international conference in Barcelona in July 2021, a call for papers for a special issue of the journal DDT was launched. It proposed to look at what NbS do to water-related risk management policies.

Coordinated by Joana Guerrin, Sara Fernandez, Anna Serra-Llobbet, Ludovic Drapier and Catherine Roche, the special issue was published in November 2023 and includes 7 research articles and an introduction. It features several productions by team members, including:
- an introduction offering a state-of-the-art review of NbS and water-related risk management policies, written by the coordinators of the special issue
- an article by Ludovic Drapier, Julien Pelet and Joana Guerrin based on their research at the World Conservation Congress held in Marseille in September 2021.
- an article by Marie Fournier and Mathilde Gralepois on the implementation of NbS in three towns in the Loire region
- an article by Julien Pelet and Guillaume Rieu on NbS in coastal areas in France.

Find the complete table of contents and articles on the journal's website

Modification date: 23 November 2023 | Publication date: 23 November 2023 | By: LD