noues arbres et batiments
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There exists a growing body of literature dealing with NbS. Here you can find some of the related publications.

Publications scientifiques

Albert C., Schroter B. et al. 2019. Addressing societal challenges through nature-based solutions: How can landscape planning and governance research contribute? Landscape and urban planning, 182, 12-21.

Bark R.H., Martin-Ortega J., Waylen K.A., 2021, "Stakeholders’ views on natural flood management: Implications for the nature-based solutions paradigm shift?", Environmental Science & Policy, 115, p. 91‑98.

Bridgewater P. 2018. Whose nature? What solutions? Linking Ecohydrology to Nature-based solutions. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 18 (4): 311‑16.

Eggermont, H., Balian E., Azevedo J.M.N., Beumer V., Brodin T., Claudet J., Fady B., Grube M., Keune H., Lamarque P. 2015. Nature-based solutions: new influence for environmental management and research in Europe. GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 24 (4): 243‑48.

Escobedo F.J., Giannico V., Jim C.Y., Sanesi G., Lafortezza R. 2019. Urban forests, ecosystem services, green infrastructure and nature-based solutions: Nexus or evolving metaphors?  Urban forestry & urban greening 37: 3‑12.

Ferreira V., Barreira A.P., Loures L., Antunes D., Panagopoulos T. 2020. Stakeholders’ Engagement on Nature-Based Solutions: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability 12 (2): 640.

Guerrin J., Bouleau G. 2014. Remparts ou menaces? Trajectoires politiques de l'endiguement en France, aux Pays-Bas et aux États-Unis. Revue internationale de politique comparée, 21 (1): 89-109.

Hrabanski M., Le Coq J.-F, 2022, "Climatisation of agricultural issues in the international agenda through three competing epistemic communities: Climate-smart agriculture, agroecology, and nature-based solutions", Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 127, pp.311-332.

Kabisch N., Frantzeskaki N., Pauleit S., Naumann S., Davis M.K., Artmann M., Haase D., Knapp S., Korn H., Stadler J. 2016. Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for action. Ecology and Society 21 (2).

Keesstra S., Nunes J., Novara A., Finger D., Avelar D., Kalantari Z., Cerdà A. 2018. The superior effect of nature based solutions in land management for enhancing ecosystem services. Science of the Total Environment 610: 997‑1009.

King P., Martin-Ortega J., Armstrong J., Ferré M., Bark RH., 2023, "Mainstreaming nature-based solutions: What role do Communities of Practice play in delivering a paradigm shift?", Environmental Science & Policy, vol.144, pp 53-63.

Kotsila P., Anguelovski I., Baró F., Langemeyer J., Sekulova F., Connolly J.J.T,. 2020, "Nature-Based Solutions as Discursive Tools and Contested Practices in Urban Nature’s Neoliberalisation Processes", Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, janvier, 251484862090143.

Liefferink D., Wiering M., Uitenboogaart Y. 2011. The EU Water Framework Directive: A multi-dimensional analysis of implementation and domestic impact. Land Use Policy 28.4: 712-722.

Maes J., Jacobs S. 2017. Nature‐based solutions for Europe’s sustainable development. Conservation Letters 10 (1): 121‑24.

Melanidis M.S., Hagerman S., 2022, "Competing Narratives of Nature-Based Solutions: Leveraging the Power of Nature or Dangerous Distraction?", Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 132, juin, pp 273-81.

Meselhe, E., Wang, Y., White, E., Jung, H., Baustian, M.M., Hemmerling, S., Barra, M., Bien, H., 2020, Knowledge-Based Predictive Tools to Assess Effectiveness of Natural and Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Restoration and Protection Planning, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146 (2).

Nesshöver C., Assmuth T., Irvine K.N., Rusch G.M., Waylen K.A., Delbaere B., Haase D., Jones-Walters L., Keune H., Kovacs E. 2017. The science, policy and practice of nature-based solutions: An interdisciplinary perspective. Science of the total environment 579: 1215‑27.

Potschin M., Kretsch C., Haines-Young R., Furman E., Berry P., Baró F. 2016. Nature-based solutions. In Potschin M. and Jax K. (eds): OpenNESS Ecosystem Services Reference Book. EC FP7 Grant Agreement no. 308428. Available via:

Santoro S., Pluchinotta I., Pagano A., Pengal P., Cokan B., Giordano R. 2019. Assessing stakeholders' risk perception to promote Nature Based Solutions as flood protection strategies: The case of the Glinščica river (Slovenia). Science of the total environment, 655, 188-201.

Sarabi E.S., Han Q., Romme L., de Vries B., Wendling, L., 2019. "Key enablers of and barriers to the uptake and implementation of nature-based solutions in urban settings: A review", Resources, vol. 8, n°3, p.121.

Schaubroeck T. 2017. Nature-based solutions: sustainable?  Nature 543 (7645): 315.

Short C., Clarke L., Carnelli F., Uttley C., Smith B. 2017. Capturing the multiple benefits associated with nature‐based solutions: Lessons from a natural flood management project in the Cotswolds, UK. Land degradation and development, 30, 241-252.

Tafel L., Ott E., Brillinger M., Schulze C., Schröter B., 2022, "Attitudes of administrative decision-makers towards nature-based solutions for flood risk management in Germany", Sustainability Science, vol. 17, n°1, pp. 135‑149.

Thorslund J., Jerker J., Jaramillo F., Jawitz J.W., Manzoni S., Basu N.B., Chalov S.R., Cohen M.J., Creed I.F., Goldenberg R. 2017. Wetlands as large-scale nature-based solutions: Status and challenges for research, engineering and management. Ecological Engineering 108: 489‑97.

Van der Jagt A.P.N., Szaraz L.R., Delshammar T., Cvejić R., Santos A., Goodness J., Buijs A. 2017. Cultivating nature-based solutions: The governance of communal urban gardens in the European Union. Environmental research 159: 264‑75.


Bridges, T. S., King, J. K., Simm, J. D., Beck, M. W., Collins, G., Lodder, Q., & Mohan, R. K. (2021). International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management [Report]. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.).

Carter N.T., Normand A.E. 2019. Army Corps of Engineers: Water Resource Authorization and Project Delivery Process. Congressional Research Service Reports R45185

Cohen-Shacham E., Walters G., Janzen C., Maginnis S. (eds.). 2016. Nature-based solutions to address global societal challenges, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, 97 pp.

EC—European Commission. 2015. Towards an EU Research and Innovation policy agenda for nature-based solutions & re-naturing cities. Final report of the Horizon 2020, 74 pp.

FEMA. 2021. Building Community Resilience with Nature-Based Solutions. A guide for local communities. Available at

Lipiec E. 2020. Nature-Based Infrastructure: NOAA’s Role. Congressional Research Service Reports R46145

ONERC. 2019. Des Solutions fondées sur la Nature pour s'adapter au changement climatique. Rapport au Premier Ministre et au Parlement. Disponible à :

Sayers P., Li Y., Galloway G., Penning-Rowsell E., Shen F., Wen K., Chen Y., and Le Quense T. 2013. Flood Risk Management: A Strategic Approach. Paris, UNESCO.

UICN Comité français. 2019. Les Solutions fondées sur la Nature pour les risques liés à l’eau en France. Paris, France.

USACE (US Army Corps of Engineers). 2018. Engineering with Nature: Strategic Plan 2018-2023: Expanding Implementation. US Army Corps of Engineers. Available at:


Modification date: 20 September 2023 | Publication date: 20 May 2021 | By: LD