Work Packages

Work Packages

The project is organized into six work packages (WP).

  1. WP1 Defining NbS concept tackles the scientific development and the institutional integration of NbS at national, regional, and local levels in France and in the US, in particular between flood risk management and environmental protection policies.
  2. WP2 Implementing NbS projects analyzes aspects related to the governance of the implementation of NbS projects at a subnational level through eight case studies.
  3. WP3 Analyzing NbS evaluation methods builds on the results from WP1 and WP2 to analyze and compare how the social and environmental impacts of NbS projects (in flood risk reduction and the conservation and/or restoration of ecosystems) are evaluated in France and in the US.
  4. WP4 Dissemination is based on dissemination of results through presentations in national and international conferences (emphasizing practitioner associations), and the organization of webinars, seminars, and workshops.
  5. WP5 Experts Network is focused on the creation of a Community of Practice between French and US stakeholders working with NbS, and the establishment of a new partnership between the main research labs involved in the project through an International Associated Laboratory.
  6. WP6 Coordination and Management enables project coordination with monthly meetings, seminars, and workshops, and manages the research visits of the French team to the US and vice versa.

Below is a figure synthesizing the overall organization of the research project.
