Presentation - SHF Symposium

Presentation at the SHF Conference in Strasbourg

08 November 2022


Several members of the reseach project took part to a conference organized by the SHF in Strasbourg in November 2022 on "Infrastructure and Biodiversity".

The SHF organized a conference in November 2022 in Strasbourg to discuss the multiple possible interactions between infrastructure and biodiversity. The conference brought together both scientists and field actors (municipalities, engineering firms, regulators, associations) in order to promote exchanges between these two spheres. Thus, it constituted an opportunity to exchange with stakeholders implementing nature-based solutions on the ground.

On this occasion, Ludovic Drapier presented a paper entitled "Nature-based Solutions for water-related risks: From theory to practice in France" during the session dedicated to river restoration and risk management. This paper is the result of a collective reflection led by the whole research team on the vectors of institutionalization of NbS for water-related risks in France. The paper presented has been submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Other members of the research project participated in the conference as Carine Heitz moderated a session, while Rémi Barbier participated in a round table discussion to exchange on current practices to foster river biodiversity and notably evoked the role of nature-based solutions.

Reference: Drapier Ludovic, Guerrin Joana, Pelet Julien, Brochet Antoine, Fournier Marie, Fernandez Sara, Barbier Rémi, Serra-Llobet Anna, Bonnefond Mathieu, Heitz Carine, Kondolf, G. Mathias, Rey Freddy (2022), Nature-based Solutions for water-related risks: From theory to practice in France, SHF Conference "Infrastucture and Biodiversity", 8-10 November 2022, Strasbourg, France


Publication date: 26 April 2023