workshop - people around a table
Workshop in Torino

Workshop on Nature-based Solutions in Torino (Italy)

In May, Joana Guerrin and Anna Serra Llobet participated to a workshop in Torino dedicated to exchange around Nature-based Solutions with other researchers.

In May, Joana Guerrin and Anna Serra Llobet were invited by the Institute of Advanced Studies in Turin (Italy), Scienza Nuova, in the framework of the Constructive Advanced Thinking (CAT) project entitled "Socio-ecological reshaping of European Cities and Metropolitan Areas". This stay was an opportunity to exchange around the concept of Nature-based Solutions with researchers from other disciplines (economics, engineering, philosophy, geography); to visit POLITO (Politecnico di Torino) and to exchange with researchers developing green infrastructure techniques such as green walls (Elena Comino, Associate Professor of Applied Ecology to Engineering, Laura Dominici, post-doc, Matilde Molari, PhD student). Anna Serra-Llobet gave a presentation on a Portland (Oregon) case study, where extensive Green Infrastructure measures had been implemented, and Joana and Anna participated to the organization of a workshop and of a public lecture entitled « Urban transformations with Nature-based Solutions - Can nature work with us? ».

Visit of POLITO (J. Guerrin, 2022)

We made a very interesting field visit around the "Mirafiori" industrial site, where projects qualified as nature-based solutions were developed in the framework of the H2020 proGIreg project, such as an urban shared garden project (Orti Generali), plantations to attract pollinators in the city, hydroponic agriculture projects, a grassed roof, etc. While these projects put a lot of emphasis on the importance of using nature for societal benefits, there was less emphasis on the biodiversity gains of these projects.

Visit of H2020 ProGIreg project in MiraFiori (J. Guerrin, 2022)
Visit of H2020 ProGIreg project in MiraFiori (Orti Generali) (J. Guerrin, 2022)

Modification date: 26 April 2023 | Publication date: 18 July 2022 | By: LD