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Presentation at the UGI Congress

Presentation at the Paris 2022 UGI Congress

18 July 2022


Three members of the research team, Ludovic Drapier, Antoine Brochet and Joana Guerrin, presented their research during the International Geographical Union Congress that took place in Paris in July 2022.

From July 18 to July 22, 2022, the International Geographical Union (IGU) held its Centennial Congress in Paris (Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne) entitled "Time for Geographers".

This congress, which brought together more than 2,500 researchers in geography from all continents, aimed to present the current state of research in geography, " the main trends in the evolution of the geographical discipline and the different perspectives that are opening up to it: in international and interdisciplinary cooperation between researchers, its role in the understanding and betterment of the world, its place in the social and natural sciences, but also its relevance for decision-makers and the training of young people and citizens around the world" (https://www.ugiparis2022.org/en/scientificinformation/1).

Within the session "Dynamic Narratives and Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development" of the IGU Congress that took place in Paris in July 2022, Ludovic Drapier and Joana Guerrin presented a paper entitled "The scalar gaps of Nature-based Solutions: From international arenas to local implementation in France". It presented how Nature-based Solutions are being disseminated and mobilized at the international, national and local scales. The presentation then discussed the role of multiscalar networks in the dissemination of the NbS concept and proposed hypotheses to explain the lack of appropriation of NbS locally in France. This presentation contributes to the reflections of the research team on the circulation of NbS through and within scales.

Antoine Brochet and Joana Guerrin presented a paper entitled "Nature-based solutions and adaptive governance of erosion and marine submersion risks: infrastructures like any other?" This paper was part of a session entitled "Vulnerability of coastal territories to erosion and flooding risks" organized by Catherine Meur Ferec (Université Bretagne Occidentale), Pauline Letortu (Université Bretagne Occidentale), Caroline Rufin-Soler (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale) and Julien Guerrero (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale).Their presentation presented the first research results concerning the Camargue case study (France), and in particular an analysis of the conflict between inhabitants and environmental actors concerning the implementation of a Nature-based Solution to manage the risk of erosion and coastal submersion.

Antoine Brochet presenting the first results on the Camargue case study

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr

Publication date: 26 April 2023