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Presentation - 2022 IS Rivers Conference

Presentation at the 2022 IS Rivers Conference in Lyon

04 July 2022


Matt Kondolf and Anna Serra-Llobet attended the 2022 IS Rivers Conference, which took place in Lyon in July 2022

Matt Kondolf and Anna Serra-Llobet attended the 2022 IS Rivers Conference, which took place in Lyon in July 2022. They presented preliminary results from the project “NbS from Theory to Practice” and took advantage of the abundant opportunities to share experiences with others involved in NbS projects across Europe.

Reference: Serra-Llobet A., Guerrin J. (2022) "Nature-based Solutions to reduce flood risk: Perspectives from France and the US", 2022 I.S. Rivers Conference, 5-8 July 2022, Lyon, France. Conference Proceedings.

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr

Publication date: 26 April 2023