water and riparian vegetation

Strasbourg Metropolitan Area

Strasbourg’s Eurométropole is developing ambitious plans to restore and preserve biodiversity in the metropolitan area.

In 2019, the Eurometropole of Strasbourg (EMS), composed of 33 municipalities, assumed competency for water management and flood prevention (Gestion des milieux aquatiques et prévention des inondations, or GEMAPI). Although it does not seem to have integrated the concept of NbS, the Eurometropole has long implemented actions to preserve biodiversity in the urban environment (biodiversity charter, development of green and blue corridors). Following the 2020 municipal elections, these actions have been intensified. In particular, a major focus for the Eurometropolis is the fight against the effects of urban heat islands by planting of trees (Canopy Plan) or the demineralization/vegetation of public spaces (including schoolyards). These actions are also part of the effort to better manage stormwater reflected in recent revisions of the local urban plan or the development of soft hydraulic solutions (grassy strips). At the same time, the Eurometropolis is also carrying out river restoration work with the dual objective of improving biodiversity and preventing flood risk (Souffel River).

Modification date: 01 August 2023 | Publication date: 02 June 2021 | By: LD