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Research seminar - Epistemic Commitments

Research Seminar - May 2022 - Céline Granjou and Isabelle Arpin - Epistemic Commitments of Biodiversity Scientists

02 May 2022


As part of the monthly research seminar, we had the pelasure to host Céline Granjou and Isabelle Arpin to present their research on epistemic commitments of biodiversity scientists.

Céline Granjou and Isabelle Arpin, sociologists at INRAE (LESSEM laboratory), presented their work on the epistemic commitment of scientists working on biodiversity, and in particular an article published in 2015 in the journal Science, Technology, & Human Values entitled "Epistemic Commitments: Making Relevant Science in Biodiversity Studies". The analysis produced, which proposes different "regimes" or ways of characterizing scientists' work around biodiversity (environmentalist regime; management-oriented regime; function-based regime; ecoengineering regime) is a source of inspiration for our work around nature-based solutions. Are NbS SfN particularly supported by "Ecoengineering" scientists or is it more widely adopted by the biodiversity science community? These research will be particularly discussed in the context of Julien Pelet's thesis work.

seminar-celine granjou
Céline Granjou presenting her research during the online seminar


Publication date: 26 April 2023